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in the city

#1 The other day I got myself a sun hat and today was the first day I was wearing it outside #2 I walked through the Botanic Gardens, It is still crazy for me to imagine that this is just 10 minutes away from where I live - so extoic#3 On a boat again, I love the sound of the waves#4 and also this mustard colour#5 rusty#6 A beautiful flower in the Botanic Gardens again, on my way backWhat are your plans for today?Maria...
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"in the city" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category trip and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/10/in-city.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Saturday, October 30, 2010, 3:39 AM.


Yesterday on my walk into the city I saw this cat sitting on the street, getting her back warmed by the sun. Later when I was waiting for the train, I realized this stripe of brightness across of me and thought that somehow those two images fit together...Anyways, I wanted to show you a few of the things I made the last couple of weeks. Most of them are gifts for friends. #1 a passport bag for a friend who is going to travel soon#2 a really small clutch bag :)#3 a bag...
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"Random" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category random and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/10/random.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Monday, October 25, 2010, 9:57 PM.


So many comments on my giveaway post. Wow, thanks to everyone who entered and for your sweet comments. I wish I could draw more than one winner...Well, I just sat down and wrote a jar full of little papers with all your names on them and draw the winner. Congratulations to Tiffany. Please email me (schorlemaedchen@gmail.com) your address and I will send the little giveaway on its journey to Paris....
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"Hooray!" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/10/hooray.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Saturday, October 23, 2010, 10:31 PM.


On my last weekend in Hamburg I got a polaroid film from this lady. Well, on Wednesday I took the polaroid camera with me and shot these four pictures. They turned out so well and I was quite happy as my last film (yes, it was expired) showed spots all over the images. Thank you so much again Frau Sieben : )#1 some more stripes#2 and again beautiful tiles#3 the café next to the pool I go swimming. I really like their orange chairs#4 I would love to go the opera house...
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"Four" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category SydneyWalk and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/10/four.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Friday, October 22, 2010, 10:38 PM.

It is 1 year today

Exactly one year ago today I started this little space and I can't believe how fast the time went by. One year of posts, pictures, little stories... It is so much fun to take you with me on a trip through the cities I visit or live in and amazing to see how many people stop by here every day and also great to read your lovely comments...Unfortunately it is not really possible to all sit together and celebrate with some coffee or cake - that is why I thought it would...
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"It is 1 year today" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/10/it-is-1-year-today.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Monday, October 18, 2010, 10:07 PM.

A Monday walk

Did you have a good weekend?I went to this pool in the Botanic Gardens yesterday. It was so great to swim a few lanes, to read in my book afterwards and just walk home with the towel over my shoulder. I really enjoyed this and plan on doing this more often. And today was another very nice Spring day here in Sydney. I decided to go out for a walk and also bring my camera with me...#1 I was fascinated by the plants which seem to grow out of this building#2 Some street...
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"A Monday walk" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category SpringSydneyWalk and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/10/monday-walk.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Monday, October 18, 2010, 2:09 AM.

red - green and a ferry ride

I am really fond of ferries - I always enjoyed this bit of my trips to Copenhagen most when I lived in Hamburg or remember the many times when I was a kid and my grandmother took me with her on a little trip.On Tuesday I went on a really small ferry trip to Balmain which is a neighbourhood here. It was 25° and actually quite humid and I think this is why I didn't take so many pictures, despite the fact that it is quiet a pretty area. I think I need to go back on a Saturday...
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"red - green and a ferry ride" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category randomSpringtrip and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/10/red-green-and-ferry-ride.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Thursday, October 14, 2010, 5:13 PM.

this and that

It is Monday already. The weekend went by so fast, don't you think.I hope you had some lovely few days...The weather was so beautiful here in Sydney yesterday that I went out for a long walk, sat in the park, read and realized that the city is getting greener and greener and also gets this special glow. #1+2 Again the great Single Origin Café, apart from the coffee they do amazing lunch, too. #3 some dots #4+5 Pictures I took yesterday while walking through Paddington....
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"this and that" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category cafélifeSpringSydney and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/10/this-and-that.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Monday, October 11, 2010, 2:12 AM.


Here are a few images from my last two days. #1-4 I was out for a walk in Elizabeth Bay - saw a great house wearing a 'green eyemask' and a cobweb which looked like it was lots of work:) Walking there I stumbled over a nice wooden chair, standing there with all sorts of other stuff ready to end up in the trash. I took it with me, cleaned it, oiled the wood and put new fabric on it. I already love it.# 5/6 I also wanted to show you two of the little bags I made for friends....
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"Random" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category AustraliacafécraftliferandomSpringSydney and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/10/random_06.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 4:46 AM.
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