'Ahhh and oooh', I think is what I say when I see a new illustration or any form of work of Sarah Illenberger.I remember that after I saw the knitted organs she made for the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin (which is German and was published a while ago) that I looked up her website to actually realize that so many other clever things I have seen in magazines before were made by her.I am always quiet fascinated by the way how she interprets a theme or an article in her way..Have...
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"Sarah's work" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
designrandon and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/09/sarah-work.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Tuesday, September 28, 2010,
10:51 PM.

A belated post with the pictures I took on Saturday. How good it felt...sleeping in, reading the paper in bed, having a late breakfast together, being out for a nice Spring walk, sharing one of those great cinnamon buns and getting back to the paper while sitting in the grass....what a nice Saturday it was....and in the end even without light but candles as the electricity went down in the whole street for a couple of hours...Saturday was the first day I was wearing...
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"..." was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
AustraliaSydneyusweekend and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/09/blog-post.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Monday, September 27, 2010,
9:54 PM.

We had friends over from Germany who visited us for a couple of days. It was great to show places I like but also to be a bit of a tourist myself in the city I live in. Here are a few snapshots of the more touristic things we did....#1-3 Around and in the Opera House#4 Pantomime at Circular Quay#5 Giraffes at Taronga Zoo. I was amazed how beautiful this zoo was and you get an amazing few over Sydney too. #6 lilac#7 We had dinner at Din Tei Fung and the hour wait was...
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"Showing around" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
AustraliaSpringSydney and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/09/showing-around.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Wednesday, September 22, 2010,
7:45 PM.

Thank you so much for all your great comments on my last post. I was thinking of starting a little Aussie vocabulary book to write down all those words which are shortened here ; ) Well, but look at this coincidence I found on the weekend.We had German friends visiting us over the weekend and they brought a few German magazines and newspapers with them (which I am "soaking" in right now).While I flicked through the Neon magazine I thought at one of the articles, 'oh...
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"Coincidence" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
random and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/09/coincidence.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Tuesday, September 21, 2010,
3:13 AM.

Vivid is the word I learned this week. I think there is not one day at which I am not picking up new words or expressions -- and here in Australia especially shortenings of words. 'Brekky' for breakfast, 'barbie' for BBQ or 'telly' for TV I think is something you could guess but 'ambo' for ambulance, 'salvo' for Salvation Army or 'ta' for thanks create sometimes a bit of a confused glance on my face ... :)It was a really nice Spring day today. I was out for a walk...felt...
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"Vivid" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
SpringSydney and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/09/vivid.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Thursday, September 16, 2010,
12:23 AM.

#1 We got a blender the other day and made a breakfast smoothie this morning. It was sooo good.If have been out for a walk this afternoon.... Here are the few of the snapshots I took...#2 pink#3 APT#4 It just grabbed my attention. The stripes, the signs...sort of everything - click#5 299 with wholes#6 mirror and me#7 pattern and steel#8 half#9 I just love all the great tiles they#10 Flat white Thank you so much for all your nice comments on the pillow case I made. I...
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"Out" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
AustraliaSydneyWalk and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/09/out.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Friday, September 10, 2010,
1:34 AM.

Since I got my sewing machine the other week I have got so many ideas and projects in my mind and sketchbook I would like to make over the next weeks. I have always loved patterns in all their forms and I have especially always been very much fond of triangles. You see them all over the blog-world like on Mette's great blog or in Malin's shop.Inspired by them I tried this weekend to sew my very first triangle pillow case. It was quiet tricky at some points but I am...
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"Triangle" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
crafthome and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/09/triangle.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Tuesday, September 7, 2010,
12:35 AM.

The weekend is already over here and I just talked to my family via Skype which became a nice Sunday tradition to see them after their lunch and after our dinner. Those time differences seem sometimes just so crazy to me.I took this image on Friday morning. I like how a bed can sometimes be so inviting in nice morning light. Like it says to you -'come with your book and join me for a little while longer'... Does your bed do such things to you sometimes too? :)Saturday...
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"..." was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
lifeSpringSydney and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/09/blog-post_05.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Sunday, September 5, 2010,
5:07 AM.

The first of September. A new month. You can feel that the season is changing and that Spring is coming along here that time is going by...A new month also means to me that I am allowed to fill up again my personal calendar.Before I left Hamburg I got a box from my friends with twelve envelopes, each filled with pictures. On the first day of a new month I can open one of these envelopes and find an image for every week of this month. I love this calendar and I unpacked...
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"A new month" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
craftHamburgmusicPolaroid and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/09/new-month.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Wednesday, September 1, 2010,
2:52 AM.