I hope you all had a wonderful time over the last couple of days. We are in Perth since last Friday and celebrated Christmas with Will's family. It is so relaxing to have some time off and to spend it with all things I would like to do, like reading, sewing or just hanging out or swims in the sea. It is so warm here in Fremantle and I experienced my very first 40°C day yesterday! Oh what a heat it was. It is a little weird for me to imagine that back home everyone seems...
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"In the West" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/12/in-west.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Monday, December 27, 2010,
4:02 PM.

It is my birthday today. It feels a bit weird as it is the very first birthday at which the temperatures are over 25°C and I will go out and wear a dress and sandals - a Summer birthday. How funny that you can suddenly change that. Well, I will always be a child of Winter though. I feel that. :)I hope you all have a wonderful 22nd of December....Maria...
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"28" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
me and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/12/28.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Tuesday, December 21, 2010,
12:41 PM.

It is already Monday morning here and 20°C...and I just had a quick chat to my family, who told me about all the snow back home. It is sometimes weird to realise that I am in the opposite season right now than everyone at home. A Summer weekend lies behind me. We got up at 7am on Saturday to go for a swim in Bondi. The water was 16°C and when I ran inside it felt like needles all over me. It was quiet refreshing though and nice to get dry from the not-so-hot morning...
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"Summer-y" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
Sydneyweekend and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/12/summer-y.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Sunday, December 12, 2010,
12:30 PM.

It is a little weird to knit on a scarf when the temperature outside is over 25°C. But somehow knitting is more then getting something ready to be warm it is the process during which I relax, think about things and enjoy that the wool thread is becoming something within my hands....I got the frankies Spaces magazine the other day. It is a really nice magazine and has many great inspiring pages, but how amazed I was when I saw that one of my favourite cafés from Hamburg...
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"On the weekend" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
random and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/12/on-weekend.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Wednesday, December 8, 2010,
12:36 AM.

It was the first of December this week and it made me find a nice place for the advent calendar I made last year and which I brought with me from Hamburg...I was quiet excited the whole week, because the Finders Keepers market took place this weekend. They opened their doors on Friday night and I catched up with a friend to have a look at all the beautiful, handmade stuff, people were selling there. Unlimited craftiness and pure joy for the eyes. I really didn't know...
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"And suddenly it is December" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
craftSydneyweekend and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/12/and-suddenly-it-is-december.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Saturday, December 4, 2010,
5:04 AM.

I was lazy this week with taking pictures. I realised that I just took three images the whole week!#1 One of a nice fresh juice Will made me before I left for work.#2 Another one of summer fruits. I enjoy them a lot and oh the mangos are in season now too.#3 I passed this house today when I visited a friend in Bondi. I liked the symmetric, the green the stripes with the bricks - everythingI am very flattered that Mandy wrote a post about me on her beautiful and inspiring...
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"lazy" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
weekend and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/11/lazy.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Sunday, November 28, 2010,
3:10 AM.

Hi everyone, how is your weekend going. It is Sunday evening here in Sydney and I just look at the pictures I took the last couple of days. It was a warm and sunny weekend and ...#1 we went to the farmers market to get the first fresh basil of the season to make fresh pesto this summer.#2 I see those beautiful purple trees everywhere. They smell so good too. #3-5 We grabbed our towels and magazines and enjoyed the Saturday afternoon sitting in the shade, reading close...
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"A summer weekend" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
Summer and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/11/summer-weekend.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Sunday, November 21, 2010,
1:58 AM.