I had the pentax with me in Singapore...here are 5 more images for you from my little trip#1 Flowers in Little India#2 Tiles #3 We had an amazing lunch there#4 Flower #5 Can you see the white rabbit?A wonderful weekend to all of youMariaA good Friday evening song, I guess it must be quiet amazing to see this combination l...
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"Singapore II" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
trip and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/06/singapore-ii.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Friday, June 24, 2011,
4:34 AM.

a couple of images from my weekend.I really like this idea & this s...
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"°" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
Sydneyweekend and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/06/blog-post.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Tuesday, June 21, 2011,
3:09 AM.

My plans for the weekend so far - reading Frankie, eating mandarines and taking pictures...The weather is beautiful here...What are your plans?Ma...
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"weekend plans" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
weekend and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/06/weekend-plans.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Friday, June 17, 2011,
6:19 PM.

Oh my, I am so excited. I just finished sewing my very first piece of garment which I am actually planning to wear. I started yesterday in the morning, copied the pattern, cut out the pieces, slowly going from one step to the next and took the time to do everything slowly to avoid making mistakes I usually tend to do as I am sometimes so impatient.The pattern is from Jenny and I got the Liberty fabric last week here in Sydney. It so soft and beautiful to sew. I am...
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"Tank Top" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
craftme and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/06/tank-top.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Saturday, June 11, 2011,
11:15 PM.

A couple of things I like1 Postcard I got at the wonderful Paper Festival opening night here in Sydney. 2 Happy socks3 The pouch I made with fabric from Cloth4 How would I survive without having them around my wrists. From the wonderful Sandra5 And a scarf I got back in Germany from Cos, I adore the colours and patterns of it. Maria...
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"Patterns and colours are something I like" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
me and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/06/patterns-and-colours-are-something-i.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Saturday, June 11, 2011,
5:55 AM.

Hello everyone, Did you have a good week?I have been to Singapore for work this week and oh my it was hot and humid. On some days we had 93% humidity by 32°C. I was really wondering how people who live there handle this weather - I guess they are just used to it. I had some time and could walk around the city and take some pictures, but sometimes it was even to hot to get the camera out...How crazy is the Marina Bay Sands building. It really looks like a boat on three...
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"Singapore" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
metrip and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/06/singapore.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Thursday, June 9, 2011,
9:59 PM.

A wonderful weekend is coming to its end. Autumn feels beautiful here in Sydney. #1 Spending the morning with friends at Glebe markets#2 Café Clipper in Glebe#3 Bookstore and Café in one - always a great combination#4 We walked through Balmain trying to find the little fabric store I had a voucher for and where I got #5 this fabric for the Jenny's beautiful tank top which I will sew very soon#6 Some sale finds #7/8/9 A tiny café in our neighbourhood which makes amazing...
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"Cafés & Patterns" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
Sydneyweekend and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/06/cafes-patterns.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Sunday, June 5, 2011,
12:51 AM.