"some home" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
homeme and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/04/some-home.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Wednesday, April 27, 2011,
1:10 PM.

I see the blossoms of the trees everywhere and they are so beautiful that I always tend to take pictures of them. They are something you wait for when the Winter doesn't seem to end. I didn't have the feeling this year...but I still appreciate them so much, these delicate blossoms..I have my pentax with me here at home and I hope I can capture some of the moments here to look at them when I am back in Australia# 1 A tree in my parents garden#2 A beautiful flower in...
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"on film" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
home and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/04/on-film.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Friday, April 22, 2011,
2:14 AM.

I landed savely in Germany after a long long trip. It is so good to be back and it seems that Spring shows all its best sites since I am here -It is so sunny and beautiful.Here are a couple pictures from the last three days...I also got a new haircut yesterday and it looks a bit like this#1 I got some nice welcome flowers from#2 Got one of my favourite magazines sent from a friend. What a great issue it is. #3 Went to a long walk to the close forest with my sister#4...
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"Spring at home" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
homeme and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/04/spring-at-home.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Wednesday, April 20, 2011,
8:43 AM.

You know there is a way to jump from Autumn to Spring, to move your birthday into the opposite season, to go anywhere...It is possible...but it often means when you do this that you are far away from what you call home, where you grew up or lived before ... and that you leave back people you love and that things can happen you can't control...and it makes you really sad and you feel how your mind starts traveling...I will fly home for two weeks on Saturday and I will...
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"From Autumn to Spring" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
metrip and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/04/from-autumn-to-spring.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Wednesday, April 13, 2011,
3:34 AM.

What a sunny Autumn weekend it was....#1 I made granola muesli for Will and used the wonderful recipe from the Rose Bakery book #2 Well, I still stick with my favourite breakfast#3 I made a little toy for the the little baby-girl of a friend of mine#4 Was resting under palm trees#5 And passed my favourite doorsteps in SydneyThe German Film Festival starts soon here in Sydney and I look forward to watch this or this movie....
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"Some sunny Autumn days" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
Sydneyweekend and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/04/some-sunny-autumn-days.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Monday, April 4, 2011,
2:36 AM.