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A trip out of the city

When you live in a big city, days, weeks, even months can go by without leaving it. It seems like a little world on its own. But when you do the step out of it you ask yourself after a while why you didn't do this a lot earlier.We have been to the Blue Mountains on the weekend and it was really beautiful. The blue dust, which the trees seem to 'breathe' out lies like a cloud over these mountainous area. We were hiking between the big Eucalytus trees, stones and waterfalls...
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"A trip out of the city" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category Australiatripus and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/02/trip-out-of-city.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Monday, February 28, 2011, 11:57 AM.

Pentax outside

And here are the last pictures of the roll...Sydney in grey, yes sometimes it happens that we also have grey sky here :)I cannot wait to start a new roll...I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.Ma...
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"Pentax outside" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category pentax and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/02/pentax-outside.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Sunday, February 20, 2011, 1:30 AM.

Pentax at home

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments about my first roll of pentax pictures. I am so happy how the film turned out, well I still need to work out a few settings with the camera.... here are a couple of pictures I took inside, which all turned out a bit too talk, but I like them anyway :)#1 Me and the mirror#2 Three new things in one picture. Really comfortable Salt Water sandals, the new fabulous Frankie issue and a scarf I scored from Gorman on sale. #3 And...
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"Pentax at home" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category homepentax and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/02/pentax-at-home.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Friday, February 18, 2011, 12:53 PM.


It worked. The pentax I got at the flea market works and I am really excited about this very different experience. It makes me leaving my digital camera at home for a while....and wander around with the pentax showing it my favourite parts of the the city. Somehow the pictures feel a bit more special as it took a while to actually see them and hold them in my hands and think about the moment I actually took the picture. Like when I was at the great Japanese Kinokuniya...
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"Pentax" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category pentaxWalk and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/02/pentax.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Thursday, February 17, 2011, 2:09 AM.

Let's talk about breakfast

The other day a couple of you asked me about the breakfast in one of the pictures and I thought, I should write a little post about my favourite breakfast. I eat it since a year almost every day and can't get enough of it : ) Well, I used to be a muesli person for a long long time - and still love it, but as it wasn't always so great for my stomach I decided to try a couple of new things and one of them was the great budwig breakfast recipe. It is supposed to be very...
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"Let's talk about breakfast" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category foodme and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/02/let-talk-about-breakfast.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Saturday, February 12, 2011, 2:06 AM.

A blue window

Sometimes it is good to have a pause. Some quiet time. Here is a little window of sun and the sea for you. I reloaded the pentax and wander through the streets of Sydney to capture nice moments. Fingers crossed it will work this timeMa...
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"A blue window" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/02/blue-window.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Wednesday, February 9, 2011, 1:40 AM.

A flea market find

It is 42°C today here in Sydney, 42°C, and it is not just hot it is also quiet humid, which is really not a good combination for me. It is really hard to be outside with such hot weather and I feel like I am running from one shade to the other, trying not to be in the sun and when the wind is actually blowing a bit it feels like someone is holding a blow dryer into your face. Well, I found an old Pentax at the flea market the other day. I got it for quiet a good price....
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"A flea market find" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category Summerweekend and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/02/flea-market-find.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Friday, February 4, 2011, 8:35 PM.
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