Perth In the morning (#1/2), around lunch time (#3), in the afternoon (#4/5) and morning again (#6)....Necklace via h...
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"time" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
pentaxtrip and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2012/04/time.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Thursday, April 19, 2012,
3:41 AM.

I didn't really realize that I took a little break here at this space. I was in Perth over Easter and enjoyed the warm sun and some days off.Being back here in Sydney it is Autumn and I love the changing light and colors and the fact that you can wear warmer clothes....>> This made me laugh >< And I really love the new Beach House s...
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"First signs of Autumn" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
pentaxSydney and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2012/04/first-signs-of-autumn.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Tuesday, April 17, 2012,
5:27 AM.

A couple of more photos from my weekend in Melbourne - Pot plants on window sills (#1). Delicious green-tea muffins from Cibi my friend and I had after a day of biking and walking around (#2). The Richmond Weekender, a wonderful place with changing program. When I was there unfortunately only the cafe was open and no other stalls, but it was still very beautiful and special (#3-5). Lots and lots of brick buildings in Melbourne (#6). On Sunday Anne, Belinda and Elizabeth...
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"Melbourne TWO" was posted by:
Yalin in
Imgs Free blogs, under category
Melbournetrip and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2012/04/melbourne-two.html. Ratings:
1010 Votings:
97,687, Wednesday, April 4, 2012,
1:25 AM.