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The last week

I am back since a couple of days and feel a bit like someone beamed me back into my usual everyday life like nothing has happened...It is surprising when you see that the wheel of work does not change at all. I mean I know I have has just been away for three weeks but I still think it is weird when you realize how things you do, see, enjoy could change you within such a time...I carry so many precious moments and memories in me that I think I will live for a while in...
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"The last week" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category Australiatravelstripus and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/03/last-week.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 12:57 PM.


Melbourne is a great city. It has quiet an European touch with its laneways and trams and you can get great coffee and food at the many great cafes and restaurants there. I had just two days to explore the city but thanks to the many tips I got they helped me to find some nice places. #1 Melbourne and its trams#2 Chapel Street Bazaar in Prahran is the place to find anything you missed out to buy one at fleamarket..they have really everything, vintage jewellery, clothes,...
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"Melbourne" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category AustraliaMelbourneus and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/03/melbourne.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 9:05 PM.


It is getting Autumn here in Australia, which is weird to imagine for a European girl as the temperatures are still so high that it could be easily Summer. And also weird because we had this long and tough Winter this year so is good that it will become Spring when I am back to the Northern Hemisphere next week.We have been to Sydney and Melbourne last week and it has been great. Two beautiful cities which were so much fun to explore. I was enjoying the sun, the walks...
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"Sydney" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category AustraliaSydneyus and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/03/sydney.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Saturday, March 20, 2010, 6:51 PM.


Just a view more images from our weekend...We had really good food, relaxed in the shade of the sun while reading, I had my very first fresh passionfruit - which was so good, found two nice little cups in an op-shop, which made me happy........Oh and we went to see the 'Dirty Projectors' which was a pretty nice concert....Thanks for all your sweet comments about my first week here....You know sometimes time goes by so fast when you work and you wonder when a new month...
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"weekend" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category Australiaus and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/03/weekend.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Monday, March 15, 2010, 6:35 AM.

The first week

It is exactly one week since I am here in Fremantle/Western Australia. What a great week I had.Felt the sun on my bare feet. We made delicious pizza in the pizza oven.Went for a swim in the Indian Ocean at 8.30 in the morning and I loved it so much. Enjoyed every bit of sun, I am not a big lying-in-the-sun-at-the-beach-person but I love the brightness of it. Had toasted fruit bread with butter and yogurt and fruits for breakfast. Hmmm...Painted teapots with Will's wonderful...
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"The first week" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category Australiaus and permalinks http://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/03/first-week.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Friday, March 12, 2010, 7:49 PM.
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