»7 Things about dressing

7 Things about dressing

Elizabeth from the wonderful Primoeza blog tagged me to show 7 things about dressing. It took me a while to get this post ready but as I wanted to get my closet in order anyway, today was the day of getting the piles out, sorting, folding them and putting them back into my closet.
I could only bring a limited amount of stuff over to Australia and so I choose very carefully what to bring with me. Of course over the time you start buying things here and there but in the beginning I felt it was quiet a relief not to have too much stuff to choose from and that it is all about the mix. I realized today that I am really into color. I couldn't really tell my favorite color, navy-blue maybe but then I think of all the earthy tones I love, such as a nice forest green, a warm rusty orange or a mustard-yellow and I know..there is not really a favorite color.

Here are a couple of images from the stuff I like and treasure.
Some things from my closet
#1 I got quiet a few stripe-y items together over the years.
Some things from my closet
#2 I really love colorful jeans, and lately especially corduroy
Some things from my closet
#3 I am a collar lover! (Shirt from COS)
Some things from my closet
#4 and well plaid, too
#5 In Germany I love to layer up in Autumn and Winter and love to wear heavy-knit and jackets, well this was the only one I took with me and I think I did it because of the color :)
(Jacket from COS)
#6 I am 100% a flat shoe person
#7a I always have a bag with me as I am trying not to use any plastic bags you get here everywhere
#7b my best friend and always with me. My backpack.

I would love to tag Sophie, Trixi and Anne Louise
"7 Things about dressing" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category me and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/08/7-things-about-dressing.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Saturday, August 13, 2011, 4:24 AM.

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