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Rhubarb compote

I love rhubarb! Rhubarb juice, compote or any sorts of cakes, it is such a great vegetable and I can't get enough of it. On the weekend we walked over the markets and thought why not making some rhubarb compote for our breakfast for this week. And so I did. Just peeled the stalks, chopped them into small pieces, got the juice of one blood orange and 2 tea spoons of raw sugar and cooked it for 15 minutes.

I hope you are all having a great week so far.

I can't believe it is September tomorrow already!

The most beautiful house I have seen in a while here
Frankie is launching their beautiful looking new boy's magazine 'Smith' next week
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"Rhubarb" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category food and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/08/rhubarb.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 2:48 PM.

And suddenly it's Spring

In the neighborhood
Evening Light
It's getting Spring here

Today was the first day I was wearing sandals. Spring is here. You can smell it when you open the windows and you can feel the sun getting warmer when it shines on your skin. It is wonderful.
I was out with my camera yesterday and today and captured the foggy weather during lunch time and the beautiful evening sun from a friends balcony. We went to the movies to finally watch Beginners - what a beautiful movie.

I liked the part of the roof in the third image, I thought it is such a great pattern of rusty colors. If I could just have a closer look ....

Some trees have these 'pom pom' looking fruits hanging from their brunches. I am quiet fascinated by them and think they are beautiful.

You can see rhubarb in one of the images....I made some compote out of it this morning for our breakfast for this week...but I will show you soon more.


I made rhubarbe compote this morning, I will show you some images from it soon...

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"And suddenly it's Spring" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category pentaxweekend and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/08/and-suddenly-it-spring.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Sunday, August 28, 2011, 2:46 AM.


close to our house
Shoe maker

You know the time when early in the week you already start looking forward to the weekend.
Well, we planned to go to a great farmers market and also wanted to check out some great antique stores here in Sydney, but by Friday night I could feel that a cold took over me and on Saturday morning all I wanted to do was stay in bed. And this is what I did. I slept and slept and slept and couldn't even read due to my headache. Well, after a whole day of rest I felt a lot better this morning and could even go to a friends house for a little 'crafternoon'. We got inspired by these and made our own dream catcher versions. I hope I can show you an image soon.

Some great links for you:

#1 I must say I am getting excited about Feist's new album 'Metal' which will come out in October - listen to one of the first songs from the album here.
#2 Gotye played two concerts at the Sydney Opera House this weekend, both sold out listen here
#3 I really enjoy the pictures on this blog so much

Have a great week,
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">>" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category meweekend and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/08/you-know-time-when-early-in-week-you.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Sunday, August 21, 2011, 3:14 AM.

7 Things about dressing

Elizabeth from the wonderful Primoeza blog tagged me to show 7 things about dressing. It took me a while to get this post ready but as I wanted to get my closet in order anyway, today was the day of getting the piles out, sorting, folding them and putting them back into my closet.
I could only bring a limited amount of stuff over to Australia and so I choose very carefully what to bring with me. Of course over the time you start buying things here and there but in the beginning I felt it was quiet a relief not to have too much stuff to choose from and that it is all about the mix. I realized today that I am really into color. I couldn't really tell my favorite color, navy-blue maybe but then I think of all the earthy tones I love, such as a nice forest green, a warm rusty orange or a mustard-yellow and I know..there is not really a favorite color.

Here are a couple of images from the stuff I like and treasure.
Some things from my closet
#1 I got quiet a few stripe-y items together over the years.
Some things from my closet
#2 I really love colorful jeans, and lately especially corduroy
Some things from my closet
#3 I am a collar lover! (Shirt from COS)
Some things from my closet
#4 and well plaid, too
#5 In Germany I love to layer up in Autumn and Winter and love to wear heavy-knit and jackets, well this was the only one I took with me and I think I did it because of the color :)
(Jacket from COS)
#6 I am 100% a flat shoe person
#7a I always have a bag with me as I am trying not to use any plastic bags you get here everywhere
#7b my best friend and always with me. My backpack.

I would love to tag Sophie, Trixi and Anne Louise
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"7 Things about dressing" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category me and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/08/7-things-about-dressing.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Saturday, August 13, 2011, 4:24 AM.

Last Friday

Single Origin
Single Origin
Hunter Valley
Hunter Valley
Hunter Valley
Hunter Valley

Last Friday, I took the day off....We went to the Single Origin cafe, which unfortunately is only open on weekdays. We had a beautiful lunch in the sun before we started our trip to the Hunter Valley, a wine region which is 2 hours from Sydney. Just out of the city, driving, talking, enjoying the trip and the time there in the nature.....a nice little time out from all the stress of the week..

Some two nice calming links for you. I could watch these fishes all day while listen to the livestream of Bon Iver's concert in Washington last week.

Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments on my last post!

Have a wonderful weekend,

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"Last Friday" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category tripweekend and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/08/last-friday.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Friday, August 5, 2011, 4:51 PM.

A year today

Hello Sydney - It's been a year today
hello Sydney...
Another coffee
one of them
Time is flying
time is flying

Hi everyone,

It is a year today that I landed in Sydney, packed with nothing more than 23kg.
How light it felt to sort of start from scratch but also how nervous I was to know that many things I would miss are far away. A year -- How can a year go by so fast is what I am asking myself.

I remember walking through the streets of Sydney, trying to make a new friend with this city which should be my new home. I would compare so many things to home, sometimes unconsciously sometimes pretty consciously....but I realized soon that it is not about to move the country, the habits you are used to into a new country but to understand what it is you loved and liked at home and to being able to miss that without making it hard for the new situation. And to try to be open to explore new things, be curious and appreciate new things and be happy when there is something new you start liking knowing it belongs to the life you are in at the moment.

The light here in Sydney is one of the things. It is extraordinary, I sometimes try to catch it with my camera but I think you are not really able to capture it. I have never experienced light like this before...sometimes on a Sunday morning when I go for my run through the Botanic Gardens I think how magical it is...and how lucky I am to enjoy all this here right now...

There are many things I started liking, e.g. the coffee, I seriously think I never ever had better coffee in my life like the one you can get here//Food, like veggies/fruits are in general so good here//the different sounds, like the laugh of the Kookaburra bird or the different trees, flowers, bushes and their smells//the Art Deco houses in our neighborhood .....and so many other small things

I have written many emails in the last year - sent letters & parcels, spoken into my computer, waved into the little camera of it ending up at a different screen somewhere in Europe...trying to be still part of the lives of friends and my family is a lot harder and much work and the time difference doesn't really make it easier. I needed to learn that I can't come by for a birthday brunch or just ride on my bike to a friends house to stay for dinner and have a good chat. And I miss this a lot.
I also miss Saturday mornings at my old apartment in Hamburg, giving personal birthday hugs, living in the same time zone, being a sister, daughter, friend and just being physically closer than I am at the moment...

How did the time go by so fast. Do you know - I hope you liked the moments of my last year I shared here with you. Thanks for coming by.

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"A year today" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category meSydney and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/08/year-today.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Monday, August 1, 2011, 5:33 AM.
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