»Ein Tag am Meer (A day at the sea side)

Ein Tag am Meer (A day at the sea side)

Royal National Park

Royal National Park
Royal National Park
Royal National Park
Royal National Park
Royal National Park
lemon cake after the walk

The other Sunday we went to the Royal National Park to go for a little bush walk. It was beautiful weather and I was amazed by the colours there. How nice it is to spend time out side the city.....at the end of our walk we all put the food we had brought with us on the table and had a lovely picnic. I had made a lemon cake with berries on top. I don't know but somehow I always end up making this cake, I should try something new - but well, I just like it so much. :)

Wednesday greetings

"Ein Tag am Meer (A day at the sea side)" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category tripweekend and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2011/07/ein-tag-am-meer-day-at-sea-side.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Wednesday, July 20, 2011, 3:37 AM.

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