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feet, bag, me
feet, bag, me
The coziest couch bar
Someone stole my bike on the weekend : (

A view more images from my Saturday.
I have been to my favourite book store to have a little look, I really like the rough, black floor they have there.
On my way back I passed this nice tiled entrance and also Zoe's -a cozy couch bar. It looks so great when the old lamp with their big shades are switched on in the evening and the people sit there like in their own living room, having a chat and a little drink..

On the not so nice side of this weekend; I got my bike stolen.
I am really sad about it as I just can't imagine who would do such a thing and why. It was not fancy at all, just a white, little rusty, even a bit flat, fleamarket bike...I couldn't believe it when it was not at the place I locked it...well...what can you do...I was looking through my picture files and found this polaroid with it.

It is the first day of March today...and it will be a good month...

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"..." was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category Hamburgmeweekend and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Sunday, February 28, 2010, 10:47 PM.

bits and bobs

blue sky
police officer
ceramic heads
A lovely cat bottle opener
oh blue sky
Herr Max
beloved mini chocolate tartes
Tulips and sun
Fleamarket find
Fleamarket find

Blues Sky, flea market, and lovely little treasures everywhere

#1: saw this wonderful sky-matching flash on a wall
#2: there were many nice little, also a bit odd things at the flea market today, like those monkeys
#3: ...a gentle looking policeman doll
#4: ...this box with ceramic heads (I was wondering who might have broken them and why) and
#5: the adorable cat bottle opener..
#6: I enjoyed the blue sky and the bits of sun we had today a lot
#7: also went to Herr Max to get a few mini chocolate tartlets and
#8: passed glowing tulips
#9: This is my little flea market find.
I keep the chocolate tartlets I got in them, not long I guess :)

A good Saturday it was...
How was yours?

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"bits and bobs" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category HamburgmeSpringweekend and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/02/bits-and-bobs.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Saturday, February 27, 2010, 10:28 AM.



There is this magazine my boyfriend is obsessed with.
When the month is getting closer to its end you can tell that he is waiting for the
postman to deliver the next issue...and is it not in the mailbox around the 20th, or 21st he starts to wonder if something went wrong with the delivery, or if he maybe should write an email to check : ) We have even been to their teeny tiny shop in London last year....which is as nice as their podcast program.

So, what a shame the new issue came on Monday but he is so far away.
I read in it...and yes it is great and so well made; the quality of the articles, the layout, the products they talk about and the illustrations...

I will be the postman and deliver it next week by myself.
But in the meanwhile a little sneak peek ...how great is this Good morning page...

I can't wait.

: )
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"monocle" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category Australiaus and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/02/monocle.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Thursday, February 25, 2010, 9:17 AM.



There was sun and snow yesterday. A good combination.
I catched up with friends for coffee and also with the local photobooth for a bunch of pictures. I loved the colour of the sky when I walked home and wished at the same time to be far away..

I got this new Broken Social Scene song World Sick the other day. It is so good and you should listen to it...maybe a bit louder than usual.

It took them five long years to produce a new album and I can't wait to listen to it.
Five years!
Thinking back it is crazy to realize how many things have happened every since: places I have visited, people I haven't known back than and are now big parts of my life, I finished my study and started a job which seemed so far away back than..and this space I am writing on right now was not even an idea five years ago...
...It makes me so curious about the future...

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"Somewhere" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category memusicweekend and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/02/somewhere.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Monday, February 22, 2010, 12:29 PM.


the floor of the entrance
melting snow...
i really like the handwriting of this sign, it says 'don't lean your bike there'
oh sun...
love the shape of the dutch bikes backlight
sky getting blue
Neighbours door
The favourite pastry with blueberries...hmm

A view pictures from this morning on my way to the markets. It was early for a Saturday but the weather seemed to become good which was reason enough to get up. The grey sky turned blue after a while and the sun came out here and there...niiicceee

#1 The entrance floor of the house I am living in.
#2 bright sky
#3 It has plus temperatures and the snow is starting to melt away ....
#4 I really like the handwriting of this little note in a window in a street close to my flat...it says "please don't leave your bike here"
#5 the sun and the spire-less church
#6 I really like the shape of those dutch bikes backlight
#7 finally blue
#8 I am surrounded by a view nice doors in our neighbourhood...this is one of them
#9 the Saturday tradition, my favourite pastry with blueberry. It is so good and not really sweet, just perfect with tea...

A wonderful weekend to everyone.

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"Melting?!" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category meweekend and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/02/melting.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Saturday, February 20, 2010, 5:36 AM.



Sometimes when you feel a little sick it is so good to give yourself little treats which make it seem OK to spend all Sunday in bed or having a running nose like there is no tomorrow.
Like this weekend, I needed such treats. I got fresh oranges for orange juice and also made myself a good muesli with roasted sesame on the Sunday, I really like this nutty taste of it...

I also got a bunch of tulips, the first one of this year. They are so bright and bring a feeling of Spring with them. Actually it got a lot brighter here anyway. I really like it when there is no need to switch on the lights in the morning. I always have the feeling it is in the middle of the night when I need to. But a bright, no matter if cold morning has something, I don't mind getting up ....and enjoy going out ...


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"Treats" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category homemeweekend and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/02/treats.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 10:48 PM.

Jumper love

Jumper knitted by my mum 20 years ago
Jumper knitted by my mum 20 years ago
Jumper knitted by my mum 20 years ago...I love the colour and the details
Jumper knitted by my mum
The growing project
two left two right

My mum used to work in a wool shop back in the days and knitted many of the jumpers my brother and I wore when we were little. She also knitted jumpers on commission for people who couldn't knit and in the late evenings when she had some time left she was working on a few cardigans and jumpers for herself. She kept all of them in a closet up in the attic and last weekend when I have been at home I was looking through this closet and found those two jumpers she made when she was my age or even younger...I couldn't believe how great they are, the colours, the patterns, their condition - thinking that they are already 20 years old...I was wondering how long it must have taken her to knit them and also how great it is to make something like this which lasts so long.
She asked me if I would like to have them and I took them up with me to Hamburg and really love to wear them especially as it is so cold and snowy outside. I think it is great to get things passed on. It has such a great worth to me and I am proud when people ask me were I got them from and I can say my mom made them...

In the meanwhile I am still sitting here on my little scarf knitting project which is not really comparable with the things my mum knitted to this time..but I try and maybe one day I can pass it on too which I can imagine must be a nice feeling too...

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"Jumper love" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category craftmewinter and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/02/jumper-love.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Sunday, February 14, 2010, 2:07 AM.


cloud cocoa.24/365

If stumbled over a few lovely clouds lately and thought to share them with you as I think
these images are pretty nice.
I just like the shape of them and I remember how I used to draw clouds like this as a kid
(and still do) : )

When you click on cloud 1, 2, 3 below you find the ladies who catched them with their
camera..and cloud no. 4 is as sweet as the others...have a look..

Ah and with Elisabeth's comment I just remembered eagerly her "couch cloud" which I
adored from the moment on I saw it..how could I have forgotten about it : )


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"Clouds" was posted by: Yalin in Imgs Free blogs, under category and permalinks https://imgsfree.blogspot.com/2010/02/clouds.html. Ratings: 1010 Votings: 97,687, Friday, February 12, 2010, 1:09 PM.
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